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ERP Development

Automate Business with ERP Development Solutions


Oflate, business organizations operate in diverse environment as well as in location. Some businesses operate in single-product whereas single-product oriented businesses operate through multiple site offices. Thus, integrating every aspect of your business under one platform is the need of the hour so that all locations and departments can work in unison. In other words, it’s all about running business in automated manner. Enterprise Resource Planning, commonly known as ERP, gives power to businesses to perform their business operations efficiently and cost-effectively. V3M Technologies, a premier ERP development company in Gurugram and Delhi-NCR, India gives an upper edge to its clients by offering ERP solutions suiting to their needs and budget.

We, a well-acclaimed ERP solution provider firm in India, follow proactive approach in assessing business needs and offering solution which are in tandem with dynamic business requirements. Custom ERP solutions offered by our Delhi-NCR and Gurugram based company give much required impetus to our clients which is pertinent for their business growth.

Reasons for using ERP Software for business:

First and foremost it is required to provide the quality rain gear to your children which makes them happy and they love to use it.

  • All-inclusive Information – ERP helps in maintaining entire database of an organization at single point of contact. This reduces redundancy and eases the process of extracting the data from one source.
  • Efficient – Implementation of ERP helps in streamlining different processes of business. Chances of error minimize significantly and the same task gets accomplished in limited time.
  • Security – ERP software not only helps in maintaining the data in the most sought-after manner but also keeps it consistent and secure.
  • Reduced Operational Expenses- Implementation of ERP involves one-time cost but in long time it reduces operational expenses significantly by minimizing indulgence of manpower resource and maintaining inventory and production details accurately.

ERP Solutions by V3M Technologies

The leading ERP development company of Gurugram and Dellhi-NCR, India has been successfully delivering ERP solutions to different industries. Our ERP software acts as blessing in disguise in business planning, organizing, interrelating and optimizing resources of organizations. We believe in offering “ERP solutions as per demand” and below assorted is a brief snapshot of some of the solutions offered by us:

  • ERP- School Management Solutions – SchoolEye is one of the school management software that maintains entire data of educational institution be it Kindgarten or university, in cohesive and cost-effective manner.
  • ERP- Process Management System- Get technological advantage by maintaining updated records of order received, order under-process and order dispatched from an export or import house.
  • ERP- Building Developer Management – With ERP, it becomes task of few minutes to maintain information related to project cost, cost of each site and revenue generated from different sites.
  • ERP- Project Management Solutions – The web based application of V3M Technologies enables SME’s to keep automated record of inventory, cost involved, vendor management, etc.
  • ERP- Point of Sale – POS software is extremely helpful for retail outlets. It tracks information regarding product pricing and discounts, sales transaction, barcode scanner and many more.
  • ERP- Tailoring Management System – Manage your clients and orders efficiently by installing the software at your shops. Access it anytime and get updated information about customers’ orders, number of workers employed, wages of worker, etc.
  • ERP- Human Resource Management – Manage your human capital with more precision and efficiently with our Human Resource Management ERP.
  • ERP- Payroll Management – Calculating payroll of employees manually is a time consuming task, especially if number of employees run in thousands. Payroll ERP automatically calculates payroll of staff and is quite useful for other payroll related activities like calculating necessary deductions, tax liability, generating tax forms, etc.



FF-231 & 232, Block -A, Ansal Corporate Plaza, C-2 Palam Vihar, Gurugram 122017

